Viewing humans as responsible visitors of a shared planet among equals and as integral part of nature as a whole.
The visitor is respecting the land he/she inhabits and shapes.
Cultivating places in a caring manner, leaving them as one would like to find them in the first place.
While cherishing the soil one nourishes from, harm to nature should always be kept to a minimum.
Low impact should be the mantra when creating new architecture of varying purpose.
Reducing the ecological footprint while increasing biodiversity of one’s environment shouldn’t be seen as a constraint.
Facilitate organic growth where possible.
Redistribute natural capital where lost as a consequence of construction works.

A home providing a warm and welcoming shelter as a basic human right.
Places of peace, inspiration and openness to be shared with others.
A home to be enjoyed with family and friends, providing a comfortable hub to draw inner strength and calm from.
Respect of all forms of life by considering the wider impact of man-made actions and construction works in particular.
Treating a house as a home rather than a soulless commodity of investment.
Ask the question ‘What matters most in life?’
Modesty at the heart of sustainability – the material that will not be used is the best in this respect.
Chose construction materials carefully and question the status-quo of prevailing praxis.
Evaluating the embodied energy of materials considered for the construction process of a new house or refurbishment as an essential factor to be considered.
Reduce the ecological footprint by living within the means of nature’s finite resources as the guide for our consumption versus the unsustainable dogma driven by selfish modern consumerism.
A person should not shy away from the extra effort and energy spent in pursuit of long-term gain and positive solutions for the common good.
While short term thinking causes long-term problems transferred to future generations longevity is a key consideration in building a more resilient future in times of climate change.
Living in an energy conscious building will bring comfort and low running costs to the caring dwellers.
Extensive use of renewable energy technology will further enhance divestment from fossil fuel extraction.
The architect acting with integrity as the joining link of the construction collective.
Assist clients in the pursuit of informed and competent advice.
Houses need to be designed and built to last with a clear understanding of building physics and predictable building performance.
The architect as a key driver for positive and innovative design solutions breaking with the prevailing and failing dogma of ‘business as usual’ and as such directing the way into a greener and better future.
Cherish intrinsic values to reconnect our societies.